
161 - 163 Shields Road
Newcastle North East NE6 1DP
Store Details

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10.00am - 5.30pm
Sat: 10.00am - 5.30pm
Sun: 10.00am - 4.00pm

Guardian's Of The Galaxy Xbox One Xbox Game Disc


Product warranty is 12 months.

Delivery options:

Regular Postage: 3 – 8 days – £2.00

Store Pickup: Free - available in store

Product details:

Item Number: 049400170201

Model Name: Xbox One

Brand: Xbox

Title: Guardian's Of The Galaxy

Colour: N/A

Gaming Genre: Shooters

Rating: 18

Case and disc are in good condition, any codes included may have already been redeemed.


161 - 163 Shields Road
Newcastle North East NE6 1DP
Store Details

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10.00am - 5.30pm
Sat: 10.00am - 5.30pm
Sun: 10.00am - 4.00pm

Case and disc are in good condition, any codes included may have already been redeemed.