
84 - 86 Church Street
Eccles North West M30 0DA
Store Details

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Sat: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Sun: 10.00am - 4.00pm

God Of War Ragnarok Playstation 4 PlayStation Game Disc


Product warranty is 12 months.

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Regular Postage: 3 – 8 days – £2.99

Store Pickup: Free - available in store

Product details:

Item Number: 019900279356

Model Name: Playstation 4

Brand: Playstation

Title: God Of War Ragnarok

Colour: N/A

Gaming Genre: Adventure

Rating: 18

Embark on an epic and heartfelt journey as Kratos and Atreus struggle with holding on and letting go.
Against a backdrop of Norse Realms torn asunder by the fury of the Aesir, they’ve been trying their utmost to undo the end times. But despite their best efforts, Fimbul winter presses onward.
Witness the changing dynamic of the father-son relationship as they fight for survival; Atreus thirsts for knowledge to help him understand the prophecy of “Loki”, as Kratos struggles to break free of his past and be the father his son needs.
See for yourself how fate will force a choice upon them: between their own safety or the safety of the realms. All the while,hostile Asgardian forces assemble…


84 - 86 Church Street
Eccles North West M30 0DA
Store Details

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Sat: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Sun: 10.00am - 4.00pm

Embark on an epic and heartfelt journey as Kratos and Atreus struggle with holding on and letting go.
Against a backdrop of Norse Realms torn asunder by the fury of the Aesir, they’ve been trying their utmost to undo the end times. But despite their best efforts, Fimbul winter presses onward.
Witness the changing dynamic of the father-son relationship as they fight for survival; Atreus thirsts for knowledge to help him understand the prophecy of “Loki”, as Kratos struggles to break free of his past and be the father his son needs.
See for yourself how fate will force a choice upon them: between their own safety or the safety of the realms. All the while,hostile Asgardian forces assemble…